spellpundit@gmail.com 713-670-4824

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Category: Spelling

Spellathon Spellers’ Favorite Words

Spellathon Spellers’ Favorite Words

The Spellathon Junior and Senior semifinalists will be announced on Tuesday! Please check out the SpellPundit website and social media for the results. Meanwhile, improve your word power by learning some of the Spellathon spellers’ favorite words:

#2020Spellathon #spellPundit #spellingbee #spelling #vocabulary #dictionary #words #languagelearning #virtualspellingbees #education

SpellPundit Online Spelling Bee Media Coverage on CBS This Morning

SpellPundit Online Spelling Bee Media Coverage on CBS This Morning

SpellPundit received an overwhelming response from both parents and spellers for conducting a well organized online spelling bee in May. Major media outlets in the nation publicized about the details of this online bee. Here is a video clip of the coverage from CBS this morning:

(please wait for a few minutes before the video plays)

#spellpundit #spellingbee #spelling #vocabulary #roots #dictionary #words #languagelearning #virtualspellingbees #education